O1.1- Identify and analyze the adverse environmental effects associated with the 5 bio-based industrial sectors:
construction, woodworking, textile, pulp & paper, and bio-chemicals.
O1.2- Identify the origins to sustainability hotspots and gaps linked to industrial processes centered value.
O1.3- Identify the bio-based sectors incentives and hurdles for sustainability evaluation and optimization.
O1.4- Identify and understand all the missing gaps within PEF toolbox to be improved towards the assessment of target bio-sectors.
O2.1- Build case studies for each bio-based sector covering all the hotpots and methodological gaps identified in WP1.
O2.2- Develop simulation methods to evaluate the sustainability improvements in the LCSA analysis for the representative case studies from all bio-based sectors.
O2.3- Analyze the case studies based on the current best practice in sustainability assessment.
O2.4- Identify levers to improve the sustainability of case studies.
WP Leader: IVL
O3.1- Develop missing characterization factors for LCSA.
O3.2- Integration of circular economy and criticality aspects into the LCSA framework.
O3.3- Improve LCI calculation of GHG including temporal dimension.
O3.4- Integrate socioeconomic perspective in the LCSA framework.
WP Leader: LIST
O4.1- Bio-based industry specific developments for current existing simulation, LCA, LCC and optimization frameworks.
O4.2- Linking the simulation, LCA, LCC and optimization modules.
O4.3- Validate the bio-based specific framework to perform multi-objective optimization of industrial processes considering sustainability indicators.
WP Leader: Contactica
O5.1- Identification of feasible and promising solutions for the reduction of environmental performance of identified case studies.
O5.2- Demonstrate that the solutions purposed improve current environmental and sustainability performances.
O5.3- Define the most efficient procedures to monitor the sustainability performance of the bio-based sectors.
WP Leader: Contactica
O6.1- Promote the visibility of CALIMERO activities, goals and outcomes during project implementation.
O6.2- Raise awareness of the importance of the consumption of bio-based products rather than petroleum-based.
O6.3- Engage all target audiences with didactic contents and activities.
WP Leader: Contactica
O7.1- To form a strong organizational structure to achieve effective and result-driven management.
O7.2- To ensure that goals and objectives are clearly defined and visible throughout the project.
O7.3- To monitor progress among planned and actual activities.
O7.4- To identify risks and apply corrective action plan when necessary.
O7.5- To ensure timely delivery of all the technical reports to the EC and efficient financial management.
WP Leader: Contactica