Happy Europe Day! Today we celebrate peace and unity in Europe and remember the achievements of the EU. The European Union has been committed to a united Europe since the Schuman Declaration, which happened 70 years ago this year.

In honor of Europe Day, we would like to highlight that CALIMERO is made possible thanks to the investment from the EU into research. CALIMERO is a Horizon Europe project aiming to analyze industrial case studies in bio-based sectors provided by partners such as construction (ECIA), woodworking (CESEFOR), textiles (TECHTERA, EREKS), pulp & paper (ESSITY), and biochemicals (BIMKEMI). The project seeks to find solutions to improve environmental performance while considering economic and social aspects, aligning with the European priority of transitioning towards a sustainable and strong bioeconomy.

 That’s why CALIMERO is a great example of the research and innovation supported by the EU. The project brings together researchers from different disciplines and locations who are working towards a better future for Europe. As we celebrate Europe Day, it’s important to remember the crucial role of research in making Europe a better place to live for ourselves and future generations.

CALIMERO is actively working towards this objective by providing innovative solutions to improve the environmental performance of various bio-based sectors, such as construction, woodworking, textiles, pulp and paper, and biochemicals. By prioritizing sustainability and considering economic and social aspects, the project is contributing to the transition towards a strong and sustainable bioeconomy in Europe. Let’s celebrate this important day by supporting projects like CALIMERO that are paving the way for a brighter future.

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